Classic Cloth Dolls

A Doll Makers Blog

Friday, January 21, 2011

Progress on the face.

As you can see I did a bit more on her face today.There is still a lot of detail to do.
After putting her nose on several times and wiping it off I found that when I drew the nose it was to far to one side.Not centered under the eyes or over the mouth.I am not trying to be exact just want to be comfortable with the way it looks.

I actually spent several hours trying to figure out what was wrong. It would have been best if I had just gotten up and left it for a while. I do get intense when I paint the faces.Relax!! take a deep breath!!Walk around.I need to remember that.

I have done some shading with the lighter colors and will be doing more.

I am happy with her mouth shape and will work on color .As you can see the one eye pupil is not as round as the other.It helps to take pictures and view them on the computer.
Time to stop now wash my brushes and do some red work stitching.j


  1. You do such a nice job with the faces. When I am having a problem seeing what I might need to change some, I look at it in a mirror and right away I can see it in a fresh way! Edyth

  2. Thanks Edyth,
    I use the computer in the same way. I take a picture then study it to see what it needs. It is bigger on the pc and that helps these old eyes.
    judy j
